Camping Machines

About 25 years ago I embarked on a journey involving radical changes in my life.  One aspect of those changes was a new perspective on housing.  I began to explore what it took to have “adequate” housing. I put adequate in quotes because that is highly subjective.  We have needs and we have wants.

I have known someone who was homeless who was happy to get a van to live in. I also knew someone who lived on Ocean Boulevard in Palm Beach.  They lived on the first floor of a mansion with a second floor that was a mess.  I have lived in a variety of situations.

Within the last few years I have started to develop concepts that, when implemented, will provide a space – a place – where someone can live and be quite content. The big question is: “What does it take to do this? I am rethinking housing – going back to basic needs and wants. I call this housing and all of the associated equipment a “camping machine – a CM” – similar to the use of the acronym RV.

My basic idea is that one can start very simply and basically then add on equipment to improve one’s quality of life.  I have a number of projects that are under development.

The simplest is a pickup truck with all of the equipment to do boondocking.  See these Boondocking Tips.

The next up in complexity and cost is a 7’ by 14’ trailer.

The next up is an 8’ by 16‘ cabin that is designed to be built and moved by a single person using occasional help.

The most ambitious project is a complete rethink of housing and living with a focus on sustainability.

In future posts I will be presenting more details and  the attributes with the associated thinking of each of these projects.